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How to Read Wiring Diagrams

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The automotive industry has been massively transformed by globalisation.Design work can be

conducted in one country while manufacturing in another for vehicles to be shipped to nearly

all.This can have problems when not all manufactures use the same standards to present infor-

mation on the vehicles within the market. Something as simple as the results of measuring

temperature may need converting °C to °F. The answer is standards. Standards have been an

integral part of the automotive world since the earliest days of the automotive assembly line.

Standardisation of parts allowed automakers to transform their businesses from a one-at-a-

time proposition to a many-at-a-time operation.

In the US the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is responsible for standards that apply

to automobile manufacturing. For example, when selecting a bolt for a US domestic vehicle

out of the bolt bin, chances are the standards and specifications concerning its thread pitch and

hardness were originally defined by SAE. Thanks to standardisation, that bolt should thread

into any nut made anywhere in the world, as long as it conforms to the same set of standards.

In Europe, the most widely recognised organisation responsible for establishing and pub-

lishing automotive standards is called Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. Standards estab-

lished by this organisation are often referred to as DIN standards.

DIN standards (Europe)

Manufacturers may not fully conform to DIN standards; they may only conform to a number

of the standards and use what they feel work better for their service support data. For example,

Figures 3.126 and 3.127 show some relationships to DIN standards on terminal designation but

not all letter codes correspond to DIN standards, e.g. – C for connector DIN standard uses X.

It is important whenever using wiring system manuals, CDs or intranet support material to

ensure the charts and tables are checked against the current standard or codes.

Block diagrams (basic) and schematic (detailed) DIN 40 719/1

Description of an electrical system or circuit may begin with a circuit diagram.This is presented

in the form of symbols to provide a quick overview of circuit and device functions.The circuit dia-

gram illustrates the functional interrelationships and physical links that connect various devices.

A block diagram (Fig. 3.126) is another simplified representation of a circuit, showing only

Figure 3.126

the most significant elements. It is designed to furnish a broad overview of the function, struc-

ture, layout and operation of an electrical system.This format also serves as the initial reference

for understanding more detailed schematic diagrams. Squares, rectangles, circles and symbols

illustrate the components. Information about wire colours, terminal numbers, connectors etc.

are omitted to keep the diagram as simple as possible.

The schematic diagram in Figure 3.127 shows a circuit and its elements in greater detail. By

clearly depicting individual current paths, it also indicates how the electrical circuit operates.

Most DIN schematic diagrams are current flow diagrams.They are arranged from top to bottom,

Figure 3.127

so we can clearly see how the current flows through the circuit.Generally a terminal designation

number 15 (ignition switch) and or 30 (power from battery) runs along the top and 31 runs along

the bottom (earth). System codes, wire sizes and colours are also included.The symbols used to

define the components also conform to DIN specifications.A key explaining these symbols will

often be included with the schematic diagram. Even if you’re fairly familiar with a circuit on a

given car, a schematic diagram will help you find the correct location of a ground terminal,or help

you identify a specific pin number in a connector. The following will help you understand the

information within a schematic diagram.Where the components and wires are situated in relation

to one another in the diagram usually bears no resemblance to how they are actually arranged on

the vehicle but, generally,wiring diagram vehicle systems have loom layouts, component location

charts and connector charts to aid in finding all the information required.

Terminal designations DIN standard 72 552

DIN standard 72 552 establishes the terminal numbering system that is used for any wiring

schematic or component diagram that conforms to DIN specifications. The code tells the

reader about the wire as a connection and not as a wire itself. Chart 1 in the appendix offers a

full list of terminal numbers and definitions.All DIN standard wiring schematics have current

flowing from the top to the bottom. This starts with a fuse (depicted by a symbol and a letter

destination F meaning fuse).The fuse has the number 15 above it. 15 is the terminal destination

number which tells you the electrical state of the wire is only live when the ignition switch is

on start or run (chart 1).This DIN standard is used on any component connection or electrical

connection. For example, the wire leading to the heater blower motor M3 starts with the num-

ber 14 which is voltage supplied in start or run and is overload protected. This simply means

that voltage will be supplied when the ignition is switched to the start or run position and that

the connection is fused. See chart in the appendix.

Figure 3.128

Detached terminal diagrams DIN 40 719

These are used to show just one component and the connection details. This is common on

aftermarket wiring diagrams like Autodata.Autodata sells books which include lots of wiring

connections for a large range of manufacturers.This allows the information to be interpreted

using individual components and is particularly useful with ECU connections. Technicians

often test a range of input and output signals going to and from electronic control units.

Because they are central to the operation of a system they are often useful as a testing point

(if accessible). Figure 3.128 shows two detached device terminal diagrams. The left uses sym-

bols and the right uses a pictorial representation.


30 See chart 1 G2: See Device letter codes + See chart 1

50 See chart 1 S2: See Device letter codes 50a See chart 1

●—❙ Ground symbol (earth)

Table 3.5

Symbols DIN 40 900

Symbols are the smallest component of a circuit diagram and are the simplest way to illustrate

a whole or part of a device like a sensor or actuator. Standards are used so engineers can eas-

ily identify a component based on its symbol. For example, the M3 blower motor has the sym-

bol of a filter and a motor. These placed together show that the assembly of the component

includes a motor assembly and filter to reduce electron magnetic interference. Chart 3 in the

appendices shows a range of symbols used.

Device letter codes Din 40 719 Part 2

With reference to Figure 3.127 F16 means Fuse number 16. F is a device letter code and is a

standard letter used in all DIN schematics. This is the same for M for Motor, R for Resistor.

Not all device codes resemble the letter designated to them, e.g.B for transducer.Examples of

device codes can be found in the Appendices, chart 2.

Wire colour codes DIN 47 002

Colour codes for electrical wiring are defined in DIN 47 002.The main colour defines the pur-

pose of the wire and the tracer defines its use.

BSI Standards (UK)

BS AU 7a: 1983 are the British Standards for colour coding (Table 3.4).The main colour defines

the purpose of the wire and the tracer colour determines its use. Twelve colours are used for

the main colour coding system.

Tracers are used to define the function of the wire.Table 3.5 shows a small sample. See the

Appendices for more details.

Example of a manufacturer’s wiring system – Ford FSC system

Since the introduction of the Mondeo the Ford Motor Company uses a system for circuit num-

bering and wire identification.The system is called Function System Connection (FSC).

The Function is the same as DIN terminal designation DIN 72 552. The base colour is

directly related to the function of the wire (terminal designation).

Table 3.6

The next part are system codes (Table 3.7), denoted by two letters, the first is the system

group and the second the actual system within that group.

Finally the connection is a number from 1 to 99 which defines which component the wire

goes to.The information also includes a colour code and cable size.The base colour is related

to the terminal designation of the wire, i.e. 29 colour OG – orange.Colour codes are related to

the English name of the colour itself (DIN IEC 757).

Example schematic – heater control module

The heater control module is built into the A/C switch panel inside the vehicle (where the A/C

and heating system are turned on/off).Using the manufacturer’s information it should be pos-

sible to determine the function/terminal designation of most of the single wires, what systems

they are related to, the cross-sectional area of the wire and the colour.

Table 3.7

In Europe, there is often a large difference between the quality and quantity of information

supplied with aftermarket wiring manuals compared to those supplied by the manufacturer.

The Ford TIS system has the ability of locating almost every component, connector on the

wiring schematic as well as supplying a wealth of other information like technical updates,

Table 3.8

Figure 3.129

Table 3.9

workshop manuals etc. The information is supplied by a CD-ROM system (recently updated

via the intranet).European aftermarket technical information suppliers have not yet achieved

the coverage required to be used as a single source for information. Often they can provide

service information for a range of manufacturers and popular models.They may also provide

technical support via email or telephone lines. Sometimes they offer specialist information on

areas like engine management and air-conditioning via CD-ROM and textbooks.What they

are very successful at is providing information that is easily understood and often presented in

an easy to follow format.

Manual A/C systems

System components

To maintain a constant temperature within the vehicle using a simple manual system requires

continual changes to fan speed and temperature selection by the occupant.

This will be due to the following:

1. Changes in vehicle speed affecting natural flow rates.

2. UV light (ultraviolet radiation) causing additional heating through glassed areas.

3. Number of occupants.

4. Interior and exterior temperature.

5. Humidity levels.

To allow for a system to automatically account for all these plus other variables a control sys-

tem must be used. Because a manual control system uses the occupant to adjust the comfort

zone, only a simple control system is required. The module is generally an ASIC type con-

troller with no Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) containing data

tables (used for comparing data) which allow for closed loop control of a single or dual com-

fort zone. The controller will not be attached to a data bus system, or allow for OBD fault

codes or other serial type information.Often the A/C compressor will not be controlled by the

controller built into the A/C controls on a manual system. The A/C compressor will be con-

trolled by the powertrain control module (engine control module) based on information from

pressure switches. The temperature and air distribution are manually controlled by switches

and Bowden cables. Often the blower is a conventional DC blower motor with speed control

via a resistor pack although some systems may use a brushless blower motor due to greater

reliability and a reduction in noise.

The manual control system will soon be obsolete across the mass produced vehicle market.

A/C systems are evolving and graphical interfaces, even LCD displays, require more advanced

electronics which often include A/C selection.Electronic displays will replace conventional dis-

play systems and semi-automatic systems will be a part of the basic specification of a vehicle.

For more information see A/C modules and displays under section 3.2.

Semi-automatic systems

Semi-automatic systems always have an electronic control system using a module. Sensors

detect the temperature in the interior of the vehicle.The module compares the measured tem-

perature values (often integrated inside the module) with the temperature setting selected by

the user. If this comparison reveals a difference in temperature, the module activates heating

or air-conditioning according to needs and actuates the air temperature door control motor

and the blower motor.The system is semi-automatic due to the manual control of air distribution.

This means that the system does not include air distribution motors and air duct temperature

sensors. Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary to activate the air-conditioning

Figure 3.130

automatically.This occurs in wet weather when the user selects ‘DEFROST’ mode.Warm air, pre-

viously dried by cooling, is best suited for drying internally misted windows.With semi-auto-

matic temperature control, the air distribution (except in ‘DEFROST’ mode) must be set by

the user. In addition, the user can switch off automatic operation and adjust the system manually.

For more information see A/C modules and displays under section 3.2.

Automatic climate control system

The main function of the automatic climate control system

As soon as a difference in the requested and actual temperature has been detected in the cli-

mate zone, the mixed air temperature and blower speed must be raised or lowered. The con-

trol module rotates the air mixing damper until the desired air mixture temperature is

achieved and then directs air distribution in order to ensure that comfortable conditions are

achieved as soon as possible and then maintained.

Electronic controlled temperature

The A/C control module supplies current to stepper motors (driver and passenger blend doors

if dual zone) which rotate air blend doors. The air blend door mixes cold air that has passed

through the evaporator with warm air that has passed through the evaporator and heat

exchanger (heater matrix).The interior temperature is calculated for the front seat passenger

and driver using a range of sensors. The calculated temperature is compared to the tempera-

ture set on the A/C module graphical display (if integrated).As soon as there is a difference,

the mixed-air temperature must be increased or decreased. The control module turns the air

blend door until the requested mixed-air temperature is achieved.When the lowest mixed-air

temperature is requested, the control module closes the coolant flow to the heat exchanger to

provide maximum cooling effect (only on some systems).

Electronic controlled air distribution

The control module supplies current to a stepper motor which rotates the air distribution

door. The air distribution control is dependent on the requested mixed-air temperature.

Demist/floor is selected at a high temperature value, floor/face vent or face vent is selected at

low temperature value. For cold engine starts, demist is selected initially. The calculated pos-

ition of the flap is dependent on how many pulses the control module has sent to the stepping

motors. For example, a rotary air distribution door may use 0% face vents, 20% face/floor,

50% floor, 75% floor/windscreen (demist) and 100% windscreen (demist).

Electronically controlled blower speed

The A/C control module communicates with the fan control which supplies current to the fan

motor. The fan current is at its lowest when the present mixed-air temperature matches the

requested temperature.The current increases as soon as cold or heated air is needed. For cold

starts, the value is determined by the coolant temperature and the outside temperature. The

fan current is limited if the engine is not running.

Electronically controlled air recirculation

The A/C control module supplies current often to a direct current motor which rotates the air

recirculation flap.

Recirculation is selected if the outside air temperature is high and the requested mixed-air

temperature is low (that is, the cabin has to be cooled significantly). It is also selected if an air

sensor is fitted and the ambient air contains pollution.

The automatic climate control system will often have a self-test facility which will be able to

display codes via the graphics interface.The system will have multiplex communication and be

able to provide data lists and fault codes via a serial connection.

For more information see A/C modules and displays under section 3.2.
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